Jolyn Laney | Laney Photography

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You're not my client...your children are

As much as I love getting pictures of you being a parent and the life you’ve created and showing you that your little mundane life is not only unique but beautiful. As much as I passionately love all that, I love saving the childhood of your children a little bit more.

What I am doing is really something that will see the biggest benefits the more years that pass on.

This is a generational work.

Your children’s children’s children will look at these photos and ask grandpa about his life as an 8-year-old boy. He’ll tell them about the chickens they had in the backyard that were just so smelly and chased him; sometimes he chased them back. He’ll talk about the Saturdays that he’d have extra time with Dad. That he could ride his bike up and down that street behind the house. He’d talk about his Star Wars Lego collection he proudly displayed in his room. And how much he LOVED when you made tacos for dinner. As they thumb through pages of the photo album you and me designed and printed together in 2024, all those years before, memories will ignite in his brain and he’ll laugh and talk for hours.

I mean we do that with our old family photos. We look at our young parents and toddler grandparents and see the layers of their life through each image. We wonder who the other neighborhood kids were and the games they liked to play after school and the farm chores were done. We see the sometimes questionable clothing style of the 40’s, the 60’s and so on. The candid shots of them smiling on a swing. The older brothers playing pranks on their little sister in her pig tails and fluffy dress.

Personally, as much as I want to claim the photos all for me and hog them and use them to clear up my own fuzzy memories of moments, it really is for my kids. It’s my gift to them. For when I’m old. For when I’m gone. For when they’re old. For when they’re gone.

It’s my life work; preserving the now, for all the future nows, in my family and yours.